平成30年度~令和4年度 文部科学省科学研究費補助金国際共同研究加速基金
AES 2021 Program and Papers
Election Study Center, National Chengchi University
Korean Association of Electoral Studies
Research Group of Japanese Electoral Studies
Research Group of Local Governance
Session 1 10:00 – 12:00 投票行動研究会(文科省科研費基盤研究A)主催
Moderator: Yoshiaki Kobayashi (Senior Research Fellow, Center of System Design and Management, Keio University)
Paper 1: “Pulling Tiger’s Tail: Why Taiwanese Are Balancing China?”
Main Author: Chin-hsin Yu (Research Fellow, Election Study Center and Graduate Institute of Development Studies, National Chengchi University)
Co-Author: Chi Huang (Research Fellow, Election Study Center, and Professor, Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University)
Discussant: Naoko Taniguchi (Professor, Graduate School of System Design and Management, Keio University)
Paper 2: “Korean Mainstream Political Parties’ Approaches to Youth Policies: Content Analysis of the Party Manifestos”
Main Author: Injeong Hwang (Research Fellow, Center for Good Democracy, Sungkyunkwan University)
Co-Author: Youngho Cho (Associate Professor, Sogang University)
Discussant: Tsuyoshi Mifune (Professor, Dept. of Economics, Chuo University)
Paper 3: “Using Cell-phone Mobility Data to Study Voter Turnout”
Main Author: Masataka Harada (Associate Professor, Dept. of Economics, Fukuoka University)
Co-Author: Gaku Ito (Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hiroshima University)
Co-Author: Daniel M. Smith (Gerald L. Curtis Visiting Associate Professor of Modern Japanese Politics and Foreign Policy, Columbia University)
Discussant: Chia-hung Tsai (Research Fellow, Election Study Center and Taiwan Institute for Governance and Communication Research, National Chengchi University)
Lunch Break 12:00 – 13:30
Session 2 13:30 – 15:30 自治体ガバナンス研究会(文科省科研費国際共同B)主催
Moderator: Chia-hung Tsai (Research Fellow, Election Study Center and Taiwan Institute for Governance and Communication Research, National Chengchi University)
Paper 4: “Why do some South Koreans support the authoritarian regime?”
Main Author: WooJin Kang (Associate Professor, Kyungpook National University)
Co-Author: Jin Seok Bae (Assistant Professor, Gyeongsang National University)
Discussant: Hiroki Tsukiyama (Associate Professor, Dept. of Political Science, Keio University)
Paper 5: “Who Is Counted? The Debate on the (In)Different Selection of the Population Figure in Measuring Malapportionment”
Single Author: Yuta Kamahara (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Urban Innovation, Yokohama National University)
Discussant: Youngho Cho (Associate Professor, Sogang University)
Paper 6: “The China Factor and Taiwan’s 2020 Presidential Election”
Main Author: Su-feng Cheng (Research Fellow, Election Study Center, National Chengchi University)
Co-Author: T.Y. Wang (University Professor and Chair, Department of Politics and Government, Illinois State University)
Co-Author: Eric C.H. Yu (Associate Research Fellow, Election Study Center, National Chengchi University)
Discussant: Takeshi Iida (Professor, Dept. of Political Science, Doshisha University)
Coffee Break 15:30 – 16:00
Session 3 16:00 – 18:00 投票行動研究会(文科省科研費基盤研究A)主催
Moderator: Byong-Kuen Jhee (Professor, Chosun University)
Paper 7: “The Trilemma of Welfare, Finance, and Democracy"
Single Author: Naoko Taniguchi (Professor, Graduate School of System Design and Management, Keio University)
Discussant: Chin-hsin Yu (Research Fellow, Election Study Center and Graduate Institute of Development Studies, National Chengchi University)
Paper 8: “Not the Whole Truth: Survey Experiment on Taiwanese People’s Attitudes toward Nuclear Power Plant”
Main Author: Chia-hung Tsai (Research Fellow, Election Study Center and Taiwan Institute for Governance and Communication Research, National Chengchi University)
Co-Author: Lu-huei Chen (Research Fellow, Election Study Center and Taiwan Institute for Governance and Communication Research, and Professor, Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University)
Co-Author: Tsung-han Tsai (Professor, Department of Political Science, and Associate Research Fellow, Election Study Center and Taiwan Institute for Governance and Communication Research, National Chengchi University)
Discussant: Jin Seok Bae (Assistant Professor, Gyeongsang National University)
Paper 9: “Developmental States’ Social Cleavages on the Conservative Party Dominance: Why the Center-Right, Not the Centrist Position?”
Single Author: Seokdong Kim (Lecturer and Senior Researcher, Sungkyunkwan University)
Discussant: Takeshi Iida (Professor, Dept. of Political Science, Doshisha University)